Morning from Singapore!

Yesterday, we left the Majestic Hotel.

And while two weeks there wasn’t exactly what we had planned, it ended up fitting all my requirements: We were regulars, people learned our names, and I was able to read by a body of water. And there are people I’m going to miss from the hotel. (And if any of them are reading this, please come visit!)

In the end, I felt a bit like I had an Eloise experience at the Majestic. And that is going to be pretty memorable. Not just because we had durian on our final evening. 🙂

This morning, Ryan asked when I thought they’d be by to refill the apple juice in the minibar. And it made me sad. Not the pure luxury that we enjoyed, but everything down to the way our housekeeper, Gautam, came by on our last evening (and again in the morning) to say good-bye to us and tell us how no one ever stays that long at the Majestic and how much he loved having us as “his” guests.

Now we’re sequestered in a coffee shop (Just Want Coffee) catching up on blog posts and goodreads while it sprinkles outside. Our perfect NYT crossword puzzle streak died yesterday. And we’ve not had brekkie yet.